Saturday, July 3, 2010

We spent a relaxing day in Eads. Our filmmaker friends invited us to check out an old theater that they were documenting. We spent the rest of the day relaxing at the community pool and had dinner at the local restaurant. The next morning, we woke up before the roosters crowed. By noon we had left the green pastures of Colorado and crossed into Kansas. Kansas is not so flat as they say- we rolled over many hills through the prairies. The wind and cornfields are endless. In the small towns that surround the silos we've met many kind locals, some we made amazing connections with (like George), who we would talk for hours with and learned so much from them. We crossed paths with many bikers along the Transcontinental Route.
If you are ever in Kansas There are at at least 3 places you should experience: (1) Check out an amazing fossil shop, the Keystone Gallery, owned by Barbra and Chuck in Scott City. (2)There is a beautiful hidden valley, Scott State Park. This place we did not check out since it was a bit out of our way; (3) the Monument Rocks, but they look amazing on the postcards we sent to our friends.
While in Oakley Darren, over heard us say we were looking for a intertubes and he called around and connected us with the biking community. We stayed with a family in Oakley for one night. Thomas, the father, checked our bikes and his friend Jim gave us spare tubes for our tires. The last few days we have had 4 flats on the road. For the weekend we are staying at Len's, a great grandfather who collects fish and rides a motorcycle. There are strong wind warnings and they're expected until after 4th of July.

1 comment:

  1. sounds so very wonderful cept the wind... but .... as Grandama Robin always said , "Smell the wind." Love and prayers encircle you- Stay Safe
    and thank you so so much for the wonderful words & pictures<3<3<3
